Kansas State Cup


The Kansas State Cup is part of the annual U.S. Youth Soccer Championship series. Teams who win state cup are then invited to a regional tournament where they can earn the right to travel to the national competition.

The State Cup is open to all teams Under-13 through Under-19, registered and in good standing with Kansas Youth Soccer.  High school Girls Under-15 through Under-19 will play in the fall of that seasonal year.  The Girls Under-13 & Under-14 along with the Boys Under-13 through Under-19 will play in the Spring of that seasonal year.

All teams and players must be registered with Kansas Youth Soccer. Teams must have played in a sanctioned league, have valid Kansas Youth Soccer state roster and player cards for each player, along with an official Tournament Roster, to participate.


  • Mission

    To develop the whole soccer player—from a child’s first touch to the academy level—by delivering an environment built on Integrity, Accountability, and Respect. We are committed to maintaining a family culture, while embracing our position as the foundation of the game at all levels in Kansas City.
  • vision

    We are more than a soccer club. We are a family rooted in the tradition of developing people of high character and success, both on and off the field.
  • core values

    We value Integrity, Accountability, and Respect in our coaches, players, staff, and families.
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